Sunday, August 29, 2010

Concentration paper

Part 1
1. There are many reasons why I chose CSU. One is I live in Lafayette, Colorado and I knew I wanted to stay in state but CU was just too close to home and just a little too big for me. Another reason is CSU has a great business program and that is what I am really interested in. Also, I wanted to go to a school that has a good athletics program because I enjoy going to sporting events and seeing all the school spirit. Lastly, everyone that I have talked to about CSU have all said nothing but positive things about not only the school but Fort Collins as well.
2. I have always had an interest in business and have never really been the person who enjoyed science, English or history class. Also, there are so many different things I can do with a business major which will give me a lot of choices and opportunities in life when it comes to finding a career.
3. I do not know anyone else in the class.
4. The only faculty member I know in the college of business is Kathy Thornhill. She is my academic advisor and I met her back during my orientation.
5. I think it would be a fun and great experience to study aboard. I would probably choose to go study in Ireland or Italy. But as cool as it sounds, at the moment studying aboard isn't one of my top priorities. I would rather stay at CSU for all my years of schooling.
6. Business Week: I have heard of it but don't read it.
Fortune: I have heard of it but don't read it.
Forbes: I have heard of it but don't read it.
The Economist: I have never heard of it.
BBC: I have heard of it but don't read it.
Denver Post: I read this every once and awhile.
Forbes Small Business: I have never heard of it.
Wall Street Journal: I read this every once and awhile.
7. When do you have to decide on your concentration? What clubs are there in the college of business? Do most students have jobs when they graduate from the business college? What tips do you have for being a successful college student?
Part 2
1. I am a very responsible and reliable person. I am very organized and I finish assignments well before their due date. I am a very honest and trustworthy person. I am a great listener. I am someone who is very motivated and I complete tasks to the best of my ability. I am good with math and numbers but I need work with my writing skills. I tend to be a quiet person but I can communicate well one on one or in small groups, but I struggle with public speaking. I know how to do the basics on computers but nothing very advance.
2. I am considering accounting as my concentration because I really enjoy numbers and I am good with math. I also took a class in high school and I really enjoyed it. I liked keeping track of a company's money and seeing where it all went and how they earned it. Also, my dad is an accountant and he tells me some of the things he does and it all sounds very interesting. I would really like to know pretty much everything there is to know about accounting. I do know some information but having it explained to me again would be very useful.
I am not considering management because I don't feel like I would be a very good manager. I am a quiet person and the idea of having to manage a business and dealing with a lot of people, sometimes all at once scares me. I just don't think it is my area of strength. I would be interested in learning the exact role of a manager but I still don't think it is the right path for me.
I am considering marketing even though I am not entirely sure what all is involved with marketing. As of now when I think of marketing advertising comes to mind. I don't know if there is more to it but advertising does interest me. I think it would be fun finding the best ways to show and sell your product to the world. Having information about all the different areas of marketing I think would really be useful because I know there are a lot of different types of marketing.
I am not considering computer information at all. I really don't know what a concentration in computer information means but to me it sounds like you have to know a lot about computers. I can do basics with the computer but nothing very advance. This is just not my area of expertise. I would like to learn more about computer information to know what it is but I still don't think I am going to consider this concentration.
I am considering finance because I know that it can deal with numbers, patterns, and math and those are my strengths. However, I don't know what else you can do with a finance concentration. I am sure there are a lot of different parts to finance and it would really be helpful in my choosing to know all the different parts.
Real Estate is probably the concentration that I am leaning toward the most. I am constantly watching the real estate shows on HGTV like house hunters, my first place etc. I really enjoy them and I think it would be fun to work as a real estate agent or something else in this field. I am a great listener, communicated and I feel like I would do really well with reality. I know being a real estate agent isn't the only job you can get with this concentration so getting as much information as I can about all the different jobs would be really helpful.
For all the concentrations I only know some stuff but I would like to learn as much as I can about all of them. I would like to see examples of what a job would be like in each field. This way I could find the one that ultimately interests me and one I can see myself doing.
Jobs: Interior designer, designer, nurse, administrator, manager, administrative assistant, child care/early childhood development, social work/counselor, paralegal, real estate broker/agent, clergy/religious worker, office manager, shopkeeper, bookkeeper, home economics
After taking the self-assessment I learned a lot about myself. I found out that I am "the nurturer." We are known to be kind and considerate people. We strive to help others before ourselves and are aware of people's emotions. ISFJs are good with people in small groups or one on one because we are patient and sympathetic. We are very reliable and loyal and take our responsibilities seriously. We will work on something until the job is done and we do not like confrontation. Besides work, one of our top priorities is our families. They are very important to us.
One of the jobs that they matched me with, the real estate broker/agent is actually a job I was looking at. So that really surprised me that my personality fit a job I was thinking about. For the rest of the jobs they suggested I never thought of for a career. The two that stood out the most were the manager and office manager jobs because I wasn't considering a concentration in management at all. I didn't think I would make a good manager but after taking this assessment I might look into management.
I agree with all the characteristics of an ISFJ, they are exactly who I am. I couldn't describe myself any better. I definitely think of myself as a nurturer. I feel like I am a very kind person and I absolutely hate conflicts. I always want to make people happy. If ever someone needs to talk I am always there to listen. I don't like it when people aren't feeling good. I will work until my task is done. I hate stopping when a job isn't complete. Also, my family comes first in my life always, way before work or anything else.
I am going to continue to think about accounting, marketing, finance and real estate as possible concentrations. But I now will also look into management to see if it is something that I am interested in and feel is something I could be successful in.

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